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Own Works 

Cadenza for violin concertos

(performed it by myself on the live concert platform with orchestras)

​Mozart Nr.5 (2012)

Mendelssohn (2014)

Brahms (2016)

Beethoven (2017)

Own Pieces




Otomi” for solo violin with Vocaloid and field recording (Jan) 




KaleidoTunnel” for solo violin with field recording (May) 



a brief summary of 1120 years, in 20 minutes” 

- a musical set of pieces for solo violin, field recording and improvisation (Feb)

8 million gods in a house” by objects sound and life noise in Japan (March) 


ARCO@Home" by life noise (April) 

å Dream in LDN” by life noise (April)

Jikken 5 on prepared guitar (May)

"å House” by life noise (May)

waves” by synthesiser (May)


Petit Blue” for solo violin (June) 

Profession" by field recording and life noise (July)

8” for solo violin (August/September) into HachiRen

Kojo” for solo violin (August/September) into HachiRen

Ren" for solo violin (August/September) into HachiRen

SakuraFubuki” for solo violin (August/September) into HachiRen


Jikken 3 for violin (Nov)

"Panic 2” by field recording (Nov) 

a moment of a life" by field recording (Nov)

Violins on London Bridge” for violin/s (Nov) 

Petit” for stones (Nov) 

A thought on Gis” for violin (Nov) 

TWO” for baroque violin (Nov) 

Good Company” by life noise (Nov) 

a day in a life” by field recording (Nov) 

Jikken 15 on musical box (Nov) 

U.K. microwave in a Baroque form” by life noise (Nov)



Once Upon a Time in LDNby life noise (Jan) 
"Jazzy moon" by synthesis (Jan)
"Ojami san" a folk song in Shodo-shima, arranged by CO (Feb)
"Ojami san meets European" for two violins (Feb) 
​"Ojami san meets complainers" with building noise with violin (Feb)
"Kalimba et Siren" (Feb)
"Japanese Beat" (Apr)
"Jikken 23 on ShokuDo (Japanese food court)" (Apr)
"Ojami san et Otedama" (Apr)
"in a moment, mit Johann" (Feb20/Apr21)
"emotional journey on 134 LDN" (Apr)
"London Tube in C dur" (Apr)
"Guardian Angel 95" (Apr)
"Birds, Bach and Ice cream" (May)
"a story on sarabanda II" ​(May)
"sorrow" (May)
"when you feel relaxed, or, nervous...(you speaks a lot)" (May)

"Simplexity 2022a chamber music for AI, Field recordings, Violin with Ring modular and objects​ (comissioned bnonclassical x RNCM PRiSM 2022)

"silent xmas 22 berlin" (Dec)


"Rabbit hole Oyatsu at 3" for solo violin, ring modular, voice and objects

with the visual score / my suminagashi art on a paper-washi​

"Rabbit Hole - alive.emove.108." for musicians, deeply listens, passionately cares and sincerely communicates with Sounds, with Japanese Temple and Insect, Soul of cuisine, Ainu, chatty Sheep and Cow (CH), and Birds (UK and CH) with my chigiri-e art study on Japanese Colour

Released, Published, Live-performed works 



"Rabbit Hole - alive.emove.108."

for musicians, deeply listens, passionately cares and sincerely communicates with Sounds, with Japanese Temple and Insect, Soul of cuisine, Ainu, chatty Sheep and Cow (CH), and Birds (UK and CH)

with my chigiri-e art study on Japanese Colour

Commission + Premiere perform by the Apartment House

on 07.01.2024 at Cafe Oto / London


"Rabbit Hole Oyatsu at 3"

for solo violin, ring modular, voice and objects

with the visual score / my suminagashi art on a paper-washi​

for a Live performance premiere perform by myself

on 29.01.2023 at Resonance FM Extra / London


"Simplexity 2022"

a chamber music for AI, Field recordings,

Violin with Ring modular and objects

​Commission by nonclassical x RNCM PRiSM 2022,

Live performance premiere perform by myself 

on 22.09.22 St. John Waterloo / London



a suite for violin solo

solo EP released on nonclassical label

April 2021 / London 

8 million gods in a house

with life noise in Japan

on collective Album on nonclassical label

Nov 2021 / London


a brief summary of 1120 years, in 20 minutes

- a set of pieces for solo violin, field recording and improvisation

Live performance premiere perform by myself

in January 2020 at Resonance FM Gala live concert / London


Petit Blue

a set piece for solo violin

Live performance premiere perform by myself 

in May 2020 at Musicity event / London 

å Dream in LDN

with life noise where I have been

in 2020 Broadcasted at Resonance FM / London


with life noise in Aarhus

in 2020 Broadcasted at Resonance FM / London 



for solo violin with field recording

Commission + release by Musicity, 2019

Live performance premiere perform by myself

in Summer 2019 / London



for solo violin with Vocaloid and field recording

in 2018 Commission + release by Squib-box / London






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